Monthly Archives: May 2018

Make conscious contact

May 31, 2018
Daily Meditations

God must become an activity in our consciousness.— Joel S. Goldsmith  God is not separate from this beautiful world that he created. He is the creative force behind everything…

You have the power

May 29, 2018
Daily Meditations

If you see Buddha, kill him.— Zen koan  For the first several hundred years after the Buddha died, there were no images of him. Only his dharma, or teachings,…


May 28, 2018
Daily Meditations

Practice tolerance. Tolerate our quirks, our feelings, our reactions, our peculiarities, our humanness. Tolerate our ups and downs, our resistance to change, our struggling and sometimes awkward nature. Tolerate…

Passion – Day 6

May 26, 2018
Daily Meditations

“I never intended to be successful. Never intended to be a millionaire,” said a man who has been extremely successful. “I just wanted to do something I had a…

Passion – Day 5

May 25, 2018
Daily Meditations

“Stomp. Scream. Spit. Cry,” a friend said. “Just don’t go numb again. Maybe what you’re really angry about is that you’ve been dead longer than Abe Lincoln, and now…

Passion – Day 4

May 24, 2018
Daily Meditations

“This week, I went scuba diving,” a man told me. “Hadn’t done it for years. I forgot how much doing something I love, even for one afternoon, can change…

Passion – Day 3

May 23, 2018
Daily Meditations

Sometimes people have judged my passions as unnecessary obsessions. Sometimes they are. I have been asked, “Why can’t you just go to Al-Anon meetings instead of constantly talking about…