Monthly Archives: February 2019

Goodwill – Day 3

February 20, 2019
Daily Meditations

Looking at other people with jealousy, envy, and mean and bitter thoughts isn’t new to our world. The concept of giving other people the evil eye has been around…

Goodwill – Day 2

February 19, 2019
Daily Meditations

So an acquaintance is younger, is prettier, is in better shape, has a nicer home, has a more luxurious car, is more successful, has fewer problems, leads a more…

Goodwill – Day 1

February 18, 2019
Daily Meditations

Have you ever envied someone else’s good fortune? Consider the friend who calls with a different ring to her voice. Instead of sharing her troubles and woes, she proceeds…

Nurturing Self-Care

February 15, 2019
Daily Meditations

There isn’t a guidebook for setting boundaries. Each of us has our own guide inside ourselves. If we continue to work at recovery, our boundaries will develop. They will…

Doing my part

February 14, 2019
Daily Meditations

The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard—one that thinks too much.— Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh The…

Healthy Limits

February 13, 2019
Daily Meditations

Boundaries are vital to recovery. Having and setting healthy limits is connected to all phases of recovery: growing in self-esteem, dealing with feelings, and learning to really love and…