Monthly Archives: April 2023

Perspective – Day 4

April 25, 2023
Daily Meditations

What a boring world it would be if we all saw everything the same. Inventory Focus: Are you struggling to gain perspective on something right now? Wise people suggest…

Perspective – Day 4

April 25, 2023
Daily Meditations

What a boring world it would be if we all saw everything the same. Inventory Focus: Are you struggling to gain perspective on something right now? Wise people suggest…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…

Perspective – Day 3

April 24, 2023
Daily Meditations

When we’re in high-drama mode, everything is a crisis. But that’s often because we need the adrenalin or we’re bored. Perspective acknowledges that the other person has a point…