Monthly Archives: March 2017

Nurturing – Day 7

March 05, 2017

See! You didn’t have to be that scared of other people or yourself. Nurtured people are joyful people. Joyful people do their best. Prayer: Please give me a gentle…

Nurturing – Day 6

March 04, 2017
Daily Meditations

She ran a small stand, halfway up the mountain I was climbing in China. She didn’t speak much English and I didn’t speak Chinese. She didn’t just slam a…

Nurturing – Day 5

March 03, 2017
Daily Meditations

There’s plenty of time for discipline, criticism, tough love, and advice—later. For now, just for a minute, let nurturing be enough. Nurturing gestures include nonsexual touch, a genuine smile,…

Nurturing – Day 4

March 02, 2017

Quick, a pop test. Which best describes you: warm or cold? Or are you warm on the inside and just appear cold to others? Inventory Focus: Were you nurtured…

Nurturing – Day 3

March 01, 2017
Daily Meditations

Being nurturing doesn’t mean we need to be gushy, oversentimental, overprotective, smothering, obnoxious, insincere, or codependent. For a long time, that’s what I thought it meant. It is possible…