Monthly Archives: March 2017

Letting Go of Fear

March 14, 2017
Daily Meditations

Picture yourself swimming—floating—peacefully down a gentle stream. All you need to do is breathe, relax, and go with the flow. Suddenly you become conscious of your situation. Frightened, overwhelmed…

Financial Goals

March 12, 2017
Daily Meditations

Taking responsibility for our financial affairs will improve our self-esteem and lessen anxiety. Each of us, today, has a present set of financial circumstances. We have a certain amount…

Make the hard calls

March 11, 2017

Sometimes we make choices with relative ease. One option feels right. We have no negative feelings about the other choice. On some occasions, we may be faced with what…

You get to choose

March 09, 2017

Don’t forget that we get to choose. I got my “A” license in skydiving. I continued to jump. But I was procrastinating on buying my own parachute and gear.…


March 08, 2017
Daily Meditations

Learning to be a healthy giver can be a challenge. Many of us got caught up in compulsive giving—charitable acts motivated by uncharitable feelings of guilt, shame, obligation, pity,…

Stop trapping yourself

March 07, 2017

“I found myself staying at home on weekends, not wandering too far from home,” a woman said. “I was expecting myself to be there for my daughter whenever she…


March 06, 2017
Daily Meditations

I don’t precisely know what you need to do to take care of yourself. But I know you can figure it out.— BEYOND CODEPENDENCY  Rest when you’re tired. Take…