Monthly Archives: May 2018

Passion – Day 1

May 21, 2018
Daily Meditations

The cupcake thing started the summer of 2002. “Come to New York,” my daughter Nichole insisted. “We’ll go to the park, go shopping. And you’ve got to try these…

Be uniquely you

May 20, 2018
Daily Meditations

We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples’ models, learn to be ourselves, and allow…

Experience your life

May 16, 2018
Daily Meditations

As soon as you say, “I want to change”—make a program— a counter-force is created that prevents you from change. Changes are taking place by themselves. If you go…


May 15, 2018
Daily Meditations

In recovery, we’re learning to let ourselves go! We’re learning to be spontaneous. Spontaneity may frighten some of us. We may be afraid of the loss of control involved…


May 13, 2018
Daily Meditations

Sometimes, we act in a manner with which we are less than comfortable. That’s human. That’s why we have the words: “I’m sorry.” They heal and bridge the gap.…